Autocad customize ribbon commands
Autocad customize ribbon commands

autocad customize ribbon commands

So you can see that you can customize these ribbon tabs uniquely for each Inventor mode, ensuring that you will always have exactly the commands you want at your fingertips. This is where on the Ribbon, for that Mode, your custom commands will go. On the right it is set up essentially the same way. In the above image I am highlighting Drawing mode, View Tab. The second term is the Ribbon Tab from that mode. So, you have Part, Assembly, Drawing etc.

autocad customize ribbon commands

The first term before the hash mark, is the Inventor Mode. On the left under Choose Commands From, I pulled down “All Commands” to show you how they are broken up.

Autocad customize ribbon commands windows#

This consists of two windows Existing commands and where to add them in a custom tab. On the Tools Tab, Options Panel select the Customize tool. This would save you navigating around the panel for repetitive tasks. You could use this to place commands that are normally located on separate Tabs, but which you commonly use close together. This is the area I am going to focus on, as this allows you to create a Custom Command panel on any Ribbon tab, and fill it with any commands you wish.

autocad customize ribbon commands

Last but certainly not least is Customize User Commands. Some commands also allow you to Add to Quick Access Bar, which is the tiny set of tools you see above the Ribbon. When there are items in the expanded menu, you can expand the menu, right click on any of the “hidden” commands and select Move to Main Panel to return them to the top. Move to Expanded Tab will take the highlighted tool or command button, and place it under the Panel name, and a small down arrow will appear on the Panel name to indicate there are additional buttons underneath. In this context menu you can also change the size of the buttons on the Ribbon tab: remove any customization you’ve added, and return it to “out of the box” condition. For older guys like me, there is the Large option which is very similar to the Text Off option… only more bunched up. These two are good for conserving screen space. Compact takes this one step further by making the icons smaller, and reducing the Ribbon to a single line of tools to narrow it even further. Small gives you a smaller version of all of the icons, and bunches them up to make the ribbon smaller. Text Off simply removes the tool name so you are left with the icon only. The Ribbon itself can be manipulated in appearance, to your liking as seen here: A pull down menu will appear with check boxes for all available panels. This can also be achieved by using the small arrow seen in the upper right of this Ribbon tab. (this is going to be an image heavy post… fair warning.)

autocad customize ribbon commands

On each Tab, you can select or deselect the panels that you would like to show, as seen in this image. These panels are used to group similar tools, and are usually separated by a line. The Ribbon menu is made up of Tabs, which are what you see along the top of the ribbon. There are a number of ways you can customize and personalize your ribbon menus to make them work best for you. Today I am going to talk a little about customizing your ribbon menus. The other day I talked about customizing your keyboard aliases in Autodesk Inventor.

Autocad customize ribbon commands